Y6 children worked with Music specialist student teachers from Hope University. In this clip, they perform their traditional 'rock passing' song.
On Friday 18th May, children from all year groups from Y1-Y6 performed in front of the general public and an army of loyal NP parents and families at Belle Vale Shopping Centre. It was to raise awareness of Deaf Awareness Week 2018 and the fantastic partnership we have with our friends at Deaf Active.
Year 2 have been studying Liverpool and in music, we have been learning some Beatles Songs. The children have also made Beatles puppets in DT with their parents. Here is their performance of the Beatles classic, Yellow Submarine.
As part of their topic on Liverpool, the children have been learning some Beatles songs: 'Yellow Submarine' and 'With a Little Help from my Friends'. Here is one of their class rehearsals. Enjoy!
Year 5 bring a festive flavour to the concert.
Year 4 play a 12-bar blues arrangement - they have only been learning for one term!
Our choir performed three times to groups around the local community this year, spreading joy and Christmas cheer! Thanks to Christ Church, Garden Lodge Residential Home and Woodlands Rest Home for having us and for the goodies given to the children.